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Faton Technology Co., Ltd. has been established since 1987 and is one of the leading manufacturers of digital thermometers and temperature controllers in Taiwan. We have a long term business plan to ensure that our business is secure. We adapt and expand our business in a carefully planned way whilst guaranteeing continued reliability of customer service for our existing clients. Our success is based on our ability to innovate and to track market trends. We supply to customers in North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, East Asia, Middle East, Africa, Australasia and New Zealand. We invest heavily in research and development so that we can pursue the very latest technology. The in-house RD team continuously strive to design the best range and quality of products available in the world. We have vast experience of developing bespoke products to customer specifications and welcome new challenges and opportunities. We can supply products under our own brand or on an ODM or OEM basis. Faton employs fifty people at two sites in Taipei and Keelung. The Keelung factory manufactures thermocouple and thermistor probes. The Taipei site manufactures all other products and is where RD and head office are located. Faton is fully accredited under ISO9001: 2008. Our goal is to provide the highest quality customer service and support. We are committed to maintaining the most competitive prices. We can scale our production to meet contracts of any size, large or small
IKEA is the worlds leading home furnishings retailer with 123,000 coworkers and annual sales surpassing 21.5 billion euro. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. We do it by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low, that as many people as possible can afford them. Our task in IKEA TRADING is to reduce product & logistic cost, improve quality, and develop factory conditions, and to assure that the products we develop and purchase are available in our 267 stores and 34 franchisees worldwide - so that all 590 million IKEA store visitors a year can buy them! As one of IKEA Trading Service Offices, we do this in co-operation with our Head Office in Sweden and other 30 Trading Service Offices around the world. Currently we are looking for the following talents who wish to grow, both as individuals and in professional roles, so that, together, we can work towards creating a better everyday life for our customers and ourselves
We established our first factory in Taichung, Taiwan in 1989. In 1996, we moved the factory to Shenzhen, China in order to take the advantage of lower labor cost and high quality workmanship. In order to provide better service to client and meet client’ s increasing demand, we founded a new factory in Vietnam and it has been put into production since June, 2008. Bouvrie has been conducted by a group of Taiwan managers who has excellent skills in furniture field of 15-25 years. We are very professional in manufacturing small to medium size of wood furniture, such as occasional pieces, curio cabinet, dining table, office series, armoire. It is not by chance that Bouvrie is the one of the best medium size furniture factory in Vietnam and most successful dedicated independent furniture factory, It is by plan and by charter. We have experienced strong growth by being a true partner with our customers. Companies around the world have trusted Bouvrie with their high quality since the day we founded the company in 1989 and we continue to work hard at earning that trust every day. We understand the competitive nature of our customer’s business and we are sensitive about how to make them stronger.
1. Set up on 1994. 2. 17 years till 2011. 3. Employee no. >50 now. 4. Branch office at Shanghai/China. 5. IBM SAP Bussiness Partner at Taiwan.
我們是一家公司正在尋找業務人員開發新產品新市場本公司的服務項目有廣告 禮品 百貨 目前因接手新產品急需業務及特助一名, 業務需要有交通工具 善於開發市場 陌生開發 特助 需要協助處理~行政 開車 需要會用電腦並熟悉office軟體
歡迎來到鴻展地政士事務所網站,本所開辦地政(土地代書)相關業務時近二十年,除一般通常登記案件外,專辦銀行疑難貸款,多年來已累積了無數的實務經驗。 有各種貸款或代書問題,我們有專業的團隊,近二十年來累積了無數實務經驗及專業能力,深受廣大客戶群們的支持與肯定,多元化的服務是我們的宗旨。由本所為您做專業的諮詢與解析,讓忙碌的您省去東奔西跑的寶貴時間,委託鴻展地政士事務所做最專業的服務,絕對能達到客戶您最大的效益及需求。
立案安親班.專營國小小一到小六.各年級皆分班.近學校環境佳.課輔老師須有經驗,耐性佳懂電腦(office,excel,word). 須有獨立帶班之經驗.意者帶履歷自傳親洽(請先電話聯絡) 代助理老師無經驗可,有愛心
企業簡介 本公司已有十年豐富的網路程式、遊戲設計開發經驗,吸收來自各政府機關、電信業、醫療資訊、金融機構各類型系統開發的豐富實戰經驗,以及多款榮獲多國下載排行第一的app開發,多款雲端系統實戰運用經驗,多家利用iOS App, Android App透過藍芽MFi、BLE、Wifi控制弱電、電子錶馬達產品開發,多項成果在各國科技發明展展出,國民日常生活所用之訂票、醫療、交易系統,我們是您建立特殊資訊系統及實現創意發想的唯一選擇。 客戶群: 金融:XX銀行 XX投信 醫院:國軍醫院 阮綜合 政府:行政院 中華電信 台鐵 移民署 Hinet 公共工程委員會 交通部 健身器材:環統 明躍 GrandSports MaxFit 人力仲介:長興利 出版社:台灣二版 智圓文化 上海iCheersApp 劍橋大學出版社 …等餘海內外三十家出版社 ios ebook reader app source code獨家專利 獲得多項國內外不分類appstore即時排名第一 中華電信android競賽入選 曾參與多項大型政商、金融大型異質系統介接專案 J2EE網頁設計、雲端運算、iphone、ipad、android、應用程式、廣告宣傳、電子書、遊戲設計 Grails AWS Cloud iPad iPhone Unity3D cocos2d objective C Php Asp Java VB office巨集 unix指令 SQL javascript xml json android jaas jni activeX Ajax struts spring ZK Hibernate Dojo JSR168 portal portlet store procedure Webservice EJB GAE Big Table email:[email protected] http://sayhong.net 經歷列表 http://www.sayhong.net/aboutUs/企劃書.htm
企業簡介 農產品收購&集貨運銷: 根莖類農產品 農產品直銷&國際貿易: 高經濟價值農產品 農產品栽作: 薑, 牛蒡, 玉米, 玉米筍, 青花菜...etc 產地: 雲嘉南 集貨中心: 嘉義縣 Sales office: 桃園縣平鎮市
企業簡介 ◎地板亮光地板上腊.各種石材研磨拋光 ◎office定期性項目清潔辦公大樓維護 ◎地毯清洗.地板清洗.燈具清洗 ◎學校醫院廠房開幕清潔外牆清洗 ◎搬家清潔.裝潢後細部清潔 ◎居家大掃除.空屋清潔 ◎病媒蚊防治.環境消毒 ◎水塔清洗廚房清洗 ◎房屋修繕【含水電】 ◎火水災後清潔 免費估價電話 ☏0939735190
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